Our best offers here

EN 590 - High-Quality Diesel Fuel
  • Origin: Kazakhstan
  • Quantity Monthly: min 100,000 MT
  • Price: FOB Rotterdam - Net US $ /mt only TANK TO TANK, TSA + ICPO
  • Contact: Link to Offer

JET A1 - Aviation Fuel for Your Needs
  • Origin: Kazakhstan
  • Quantity Monthly: min 1 000,000 BBL
  • Price: FOB Rotterdam - US Gross $ /barrel only TANK TO TANK, TSA + ICPO
  • Contact: Link to Offer

Explore these exclusive hot offers for premium diesel fuel EN 590 and aviation fuel JET A1. For more details and customized deals, feel free to contact us. We are committed to providing high-quality fuels to meet your diverse requirements.

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